MAG Conversations

The Merrickville Arts Guild (MAG) is delighted to present an illuminating conversation on ‘The Art of Urban Sketching’ with August, Irene, and Peggy. Urban sketching isn’t about city chaos; it’s about relatable daily experiences. Rediscover our town from fresh angles, visually capturing our cozy cafés and untold stories. Be part of this global phenomenon celebrating the ordinary through a creative and amazingly rewarding practice.
Come meet our “sketchy crew” of enthusiasts August, Irene, and Peggy for an enjoyable evening in the “Club Room” on the main floor of the Merrickville Legion for this MAG Conversation session on Thursday, April, 11, 2024; doors open at 7:00 PM.

Check our group Facebook page for any last-minute adjustments.

This event is FREE for current MAG Members and Friends of MAG. A small fee of $5.00 will be charged at the door for non-members.