MAG has made the difficult decision to cancel the very popular Annual Studio Tour which was scheduled for September 26-27, 2020. Regardless of the recent announcement on slowly reopening some businesses in the Province, the MAG Executive and many artists themselves felt that there were still risks to both clients and themselves in opening their studios to the public. MAG had also planned to hold its first Art Fair on a St. Lawrence Street location on August 9th. The decision on going forward with this event will be made later in the summer depending on guidance from public health officials, the Municipality and the artists. “Virtual Tour” alternatives are being explored, stay tuned…
The MAG Conversations for May and June have been postponed and we will provide information later in the year on the September event.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank our many sponsors and MAG members for their past support for the Annual Studio Tour and MAG events. I would also like to especially thank our talented and valued artists who inspire us with their wonderful creativity.
Please keep abreast of MAG activities and updates on our website and Facebook page.
Nick Previsich
President – MAG